Billions of people have had sex. Far fewer have made love. In the Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, author Sheila Wray Gregoire helps women see how sexual intimacy was designed to be physically stupendous but also incredibly intimate.
Whether you’re about to walk down the aisle or you’ve been married for decades, The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex will lead you on a wonderful journey of discovery towards the amazing sex life God designed you for.
With humor, research, and lots of anecdotes, author Sheila Wray Gregoire helps women see how our culture’s version of sex, which concentrates on the physical above all else, makes sex shallow. God, on the other hand, intended sex to unite us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Gregoire walks through these three aspects of sex, showing how to make each amazing, and how to overcome the roadblocks in each area we often encounter.
Drawing on survey results from over 2,000 people, she also includes lots of voices from other Good Girls, giving insight into how other women have learned to truly enjoy sex in marriage.
Product Details
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: Zondervan; And You Thought Bad Girls Have All the Fun edition (March 4, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0310334098
ISBN-13: 978-0310334095
Gregoire answers questions about nuts and bolts. She also writes from a covenantal view: Sex is created by God for our good and His glory. She conveys a basic message that marriage is a lifelong endeavor, that husbands and wives have time to experiment, and that communication and trust facilitate good sex. Like a funny big sister, she takes on intimate topics in a frank and reassuring way. She writes for those who are engaged, newlyweds, and for those who are sexually experienced and want to gain a biblical understanding. She cautions against laziness and also against the temptations that porn has made popular. — WORLD Magazine <br><br> (WORLD Magazine)
From the Author
My husband and I have been married for 21 years, and happily married for 17.
Those first four years were really difficult. And a big part of the reason is that we just couldn’t connect in the bedroom.
When we walk down the aisle, we usually assume everything will naturally fall into place. If it was going to be hard, we wouldn’t get married, would we? Yet all too often, once the confetti is gone and the wedding dress is boxed up, we don’t feel quite as giddy. We start to wonder, “is this all there is? Isn’t marriage supposed to be better?”
Yep. It is! And in The Good Girl’s Guide to Great Sex, I show women that you don’t have to settle for mediocre. God created you to feel incredible pleasure but also incredible intimacy through sex. And he doesn’t want you to settle for anything less!
But getting to bliss isn’t always easy, because men and women approach sex very differently. Men make love to feel loved. Women need to feel loved to make love.
Add to that our culture’s portrayal as sex being something that is only physical, and awfully shallow, and combine that with all of our baggage coming into marriage, and sex can often be something that adds a lot of tension to the marriage.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Whether you’re a new bride or a veteran wife, my dream is that you will be able to experience true and beautiful intimacy with your husband–intimacy that has all the physical fireworks you’ve dreamt of, but also that overwhelming feeling of “being one”. And in this book I gave all the practical tips I could on how to better understand your man, how to better understand yourself, and how to understand how sex is supposed to work. Because I asked women just like you about their experiences, I’ve also got lots of funny stories and messages of triumph to help you aim high.
And I’ve even included some “Good Girl Dares” to spice things up. Because honestly, ladies, those having the most fun in bed aren’t the starlets that grace the covers of Cosmo. They’re those of us who are married to our good guys, and who are committed for life. Those are the necessary ingredients for a great sex life. And in the book, I’ll help rev it up!
From the Back Cover
Do bad girls really have more fun? Surveys say no. The women who are most likely to enjoy sex are married and religious. In other words, they’re Good Girls! But good girls know that making sex great isn’t about acting trashy. It’s about recognizing what God really designed sex for, and then learning how to reap all these benefits and joyfully enjoy your husband.
Frank and contemporary, The Good Girls’ Guide to Great Sex will give the newly engaged and new brides—and some veteran wives—a Christian resource to answer their most intimate, and embarrassing, questions. In a conversational style, with lots of humorous anecdotes, the book will show that sex isn’t just physical: it’s also an emotional and spiritual experience. And we’ll learn why commitment in a Christian marriage is the perfect recipe for a sex life which is out of this world!
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